Transport companies that drive in Europe with an unapproved tachograph face significant penalties. In the North Sea-Mediterranean Corridor, the penalties range from 300 pounds in the United Kingdom to 30,000 euros in France.

The North Sea-Mediterranean Corridor (933 kms) stretches from Ireland and the North of the United Kingdom to the Mediterranean Sea in southern France, passing through the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. This corridor aims to provide not only improved services between the North Sea, the Meuse, Rhine, Scheldt, Seine, Saône and Rhône river basins and the ports of Foos-sur-Mer and Marseille, but also better interconnection between the British Isles and mainland Europe.

Therefore, if transport companies operating Internationally in this corridor, must be aware of Regulation 1054/2014 which establishes that first-generation vehicles, from 21st August 2023, must have a V2 second-generation smart tachograph installed. This device has been equipped with technology that improves safety and promotes transparency in international transport operations through its new functionalities, including:

  • Automatic registration of border crossings.
  • Recording of positions in loading and unloading operations.
  • New incidents or data to be exchanged with the supervisory authority through the Early Remote Sensing system of possible manipulation or misuse.
  • Interface with intelligent transport systems.

Equipping a second-generation V2 smart tachograph is a necessity in international transport operations in Europe. However, given the possible lack of devices to meet all the demand for vehicle registrations for professional use, the door was opened to apply flexibility in terms of inspection.

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) suggested that the replacement of the V1 smart tachograph with a V2 tachograph in vehicles registered between 21st August 2023 and 31st December 2023 could be extended until 18th August 2025.

This extension of the transition period was intended to facilitate the gradual installation of the new device and ensure that transport operators had sufficient time to comply with European regulations.

However, the countries of the European Union have already acted and published the penalties for not driving on their roads with the approved tachograph. Here's a summary of them:


In Ireland, from 21st August 2023 to 30th November 2023, the registration of new vehicles equipped with a second-generation version 1 smart tachograph was temporarily allowed for domestic traffic only.

Ireland did not impose penalties until 2nd January 2024 on vehicles registered between the aforementioned period, which carried out only national traffic and were equipped with second generation version 1 intelligent tachographs.

However, new vehicles carrying out international transport operations, including those between Ireland and Northern Ireland, must be equipped with G2V2 smart tachographs from 21st August 2023.

United Kingdom

From 21st August 2023, a "complete" smart tachograph 2 or a "transitional" smart tachograph 2 must be installed in newly registered in scope vehicles (goods vehicles over 3.5 tons and passenger cars with 10 or more seats) travelling internationally in the UK.

 If the vehicle is only operating within the UK, a Smart Tachograph 1 can still be installed, if still available.

However, from 21st February 2024, a "complete" smart tachograph 2 or a "transitional" smart tachograph 2 must be installed in all newly registered in scope vehicles, regardless of the types of journeys.

As for the penalty, we remind you that driving in the United Kingdom without the correct tachograph carries a fine of 300 pounds.


In the Netherlands, failure to have a second-generation version 2 smart tachograph installed results in an administrative penalty of €4,400.


In France, exceptional transitional arrangements were adopted for the registration of new vehicles equipped with second-generation version 1 smart tachographs. A temporary exception measure was added, which allows heavy vehicles with a provisional registration certificate of type WW, valid and established no later than 20th August 2023, to circulate loaded under this provisional registration certificate.

This instruction specifies that the deadline for obtaining a provisional registration certificate to benefit from its provisions is 20th August 2023. In addition, the maximum period of validity of such a provisional registration certificate is 6 months. The exception provided for in this order ends on 21st February 2024.

In France, forgery of electronic documents or data, provision of false information, irregular use, modification of control devices or failure to install the corresponding tachograph is punishable by one year in prison and a fine of €30,000. In addition, your vehicle will be immobilized until the problem has been rectified.


Transport companies should not risk operations on the North Sea-Mediterranean Corridor with big fines. Driving with an unapproved tachograph can lead to significant penalties and even prison sentences.

Avoid complications and ensure regulatory compliance by installing a second-generation V2 smart tachograph!

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